Roy Lopez

Mastering Go: Building Packages and Understanding Imports

Mastering Go: Building Packages and Understanding Imports
4 min read


In this article, we dive deep into building packages in Go, understanding imports, and using packages to organize your code. We'll explore how Go's import system works, and best practices for creating packages that are clean, maintainable, and well-structured.

Understanding Imports and Exports in Go

We’ve been using the import statement in Go without a detailed explanation of its inner workings. Go’s import statement allows access to exported constants, variables, functions, and types from another package. In Go, package visibility is determined by capitalization: identifiers starting with an uppercase letter are exported and visible outside the package, while those starting with a lowercase letter remain private to the package.

Example: Exporting and Importing in Go

Here’s a basic example demonstrating how to create a package and import it.

In the calculator package (in the calculator directory):

// file: calculator.go
package calculator

func Add(a int, b int) int {
    return a + b

In the main application (in the root directory):

// file: main.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    result := calculator.Add(3, 4)
    fmt.Println("The sum is:", result)

In the example above, the calculator package contains an exported Add function, and the main program imports this package and uses the function.

Creating and Organizing Packages

In Go, creating a package is straightforward. Every Go source file starts with a package declaration, and all files in the same directory should use the same package name. Let’s build a package and see how we can structure it effectively.

Imagine we are creating a math utility library with two packages: mathutils and formatter.

mathutils Package

In the mathutils directory, you might have a file like this:

// file: mathutils.go
package mathutils

func Multiply(x int, y int) int {
    return x * y

formatter Package

In the formatter directory, you can create a formatting function:

// file: formatter.go
package formatter

import "fmt"

func FormatOutput(result int) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("The result is: %d", result)

The Main Program

Finally, in the root of your project, you’d use these packages in your main.go file:

// file: main.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    result := mathutils.Multiply(5, 10)
    formattedOutput := formatter.FormatOutput(result)

When you run this program, the output will be:

$ go run main.go
The result is: 50

Package Naming and Best Practices

Avoid Ambiguous Package Names

Go requires every package to have a unique name in the import path. A common mistake is creating packages with generic names like utils. Instead, your package name should describe its purpose clearly. For instance, instead of:

package utils


package stringutils

This clarity makes it easier to understand what each package does, especially when reading code that imports and uses these packages.

Name Functions Clearly

It’s crucial to avoid redundant naming inside your packages. If your package is named mathutils, don’t create a function named MathMultiply. Instead, just use Multiply—the package name already provides context.

For example:

package mathutils

func Multiply(a int, b int) int {
    return a * b

This function would be referred to as mathutils.Multiply in your code, which is much cleaner.


Go’s package system is simple but powerful, enabling developers to create modular, maintainable codebases. By adhering to best practices such as using clear package names, understanding the rules of imports, and properly structuring packages, you can ensure your Go projects remain scalable and easy to maintain.

If you’re starting with Go or trying to better organize your code, these principles are essential for writing clean, effective Go programs.
