JavaScript: call(), apply(), and bind() - Explained with Dachshund Dog Examples

JavaScript: call(), apply(), and bind()
“this” refresher
In Object-Oriented JavaScript, we learned that in JS, everything is an object. Because everything is an object, we can set and access additional properties on functions.
Setting properties and methods to a function via the prototype is powerful—but how do we access them? That’s where this
comes into play.
The this
Every function in JavaScript gets the this
keyword automatically. It always refers to the object that invokes the function. However, this can sometimes lead to confusion when the reference to this
is lost in nested functions or event listeners.
const dachshund = {
name: "Sausage",
age: 3,
bark: function () {
return `Woof! I am ${}, the dachshund!`;
console.log(dachshund.bark()); // Woof! I am Sausage, the dachshund!
But what happens when this
is misinterpreted? For example, in an event listener:
const button = document.getElementById("barkButton");
button.addEventListener("click", dachshund.bark);
// `this` will now refer to the button, not the dachshund object.
To fix this, we can use call(), apply(), and bind().
call(), apply(), and bind() — explained
Functions in JavaScript are objects and come with built-in methods like call()
, apply()
, and bind()
that allow us to control the value of this
The bind()
method creates a new function with this
explicitly set to a specific value.
Let’s see an example with our dachshund dog:
const dachshund = {
name: "Sausage",
age: 3,
bark: function () {
return `Woof! I am ${}, the dachshund!`;
const logBark = dachshund.bark.bind(dachshund); // Binds `this` to dachshund
console.log(logBark()); // Woof! I am Sausage, the dachshund!
The call()
method allows us to invoke a function immediately with a specified value of this
and individual arguments.
const dachshund = {
name: "Sausage",
age: 3,
bark: function () {
return `Woof! I am ${}, the dachshund!`;
function describeDog(food, activity) {
console.log(`${this.bark()} I love eating ${food} and ${activity}.`);
}, "bones", "digging holes");
// Woof! I am Sausage, the dachshund! I love eating bones and digging holes.
The apply()
method is nearly identical to call()
, but it expects arguments as an array.
const dachshund = {
name: "Sausage",
age: 3,
bark: function () {
return `Woof! I am ${}, the dachshund!`;
function describeDog(food, activity) {
console.log(`${this.bark()} I love eating ${food} and ${activity}.`);
describeDog.apply(dachshund, ["bones", "digging holes"]);
// Woof! I am Sausage, the dachshund! I love eating bones and digging holes.
Key differences between bind(), call(), and apply()
- bind(): Creates a new function and does not execute it immediately.
- call(): Invokes the function immediately and takes arguments individually.
- apply(): Invokes the function immediately and takes arguments as an array.
When to use these methods?
- bind(): Use when you need a new function with a specific
value. - call(): Use when you need to invoke a function with specific arguments immediately.
- apply(): Similar to
, but useful when arguments are in array format.
Mastering call()
, apply()
, and bind()
will give you more control over your JavaScript code, making your functions more flexible and reusable.