Roy Lopez

Two Methods for Creating a CSS Class Name Factory in TypeScript

Two Methods for Creating a CSS Class Name Factory in TypeScript
3 min read

When building UI components, it's often useful to have a small utility that dynamically constructs class name strings. In TypeScript, we can leverage generics to enforce strict types for our class mappings. In this article, we'll explore two different approaches for building a class name factory that maps variant keys to CSS class strings.

Method 1: Using a Generic Variant Type

In the first method, we define a generic type parameter that extends string. This type represents the possible variant keys, and we then use it to type the mapping object. Here's an example using a utility function named buildAlertClassFactory:

const buildAlertClassFactory =
  <TAlert extends string>(styles: Record<TAlert, string>) =>
  (alertType: TAlert, ...extraClasses: string[]): string => {
    const classArray = [styles[alertType], ...extraClasses];
    return classArray.join(" ");

Generic Constraint: The generic type TAlert is constrained to string. This ensures that the keys used in the mapping are strings.Mapping Object: The styles parameter is typed as a Record<TAlert, string>, meaning every key (of type TAlert) maps to a string value (the CSS class name).Function Return: The inner function takes an alertType (one of the keys defined by TAlert) and any additional class names. It combines them into a single space-separated string. This approach is ideal when you want to define a strict set of valid variant keys without caring about the exact types of the mapping values.

Method 2: Using a Generic Record for the Entire Mapping

The alternative method captures the entire mapping object as a generic record. In this case, we let TypeScript infer the keys of the object and then use keyof to constrain the variant parameter. Here's how you might implement it:

const buildAlertClassFactory =
  <TStyles extends Record<string, string>>(styles: TStyles) =>
  (alertType: keyof TStyles, ...extraClasses: string[]): string => {
    const classArray = [styles[alertType], ...extraClasses];
    return classArray.join(" ");

Generic Mapping: The generic parameter TStyles is defined as a record with string keys and string values. This captures the entire structure of the mapping.Variant Parameter: Instead of a separate generic for the variant key, we use keyof TStyles for the alertType parameter. This ensures that only keys present in the mapping can be used.Function Return: Similar to Method 1, the function constructs an array of class names and joins them into a single string. This approach offers more flexibility if you have a complex mapping and want TypeScript to infer both the keys and their associated values automatically.


Both methods allow you to create a type-safe factory for CSS class names:

  • Method 1 focuses solely on the variant keys by explicitly declaring a generic type that extends string.

  • Method 2 captures the entire mapping and uses keyof to enforce valid keys, offering a slightly broader approach.

Each method leverages TypeScript’s generic inference to catch potential errors at compile time, ensuring that your components always receive valid class names. Feel free to choose the method that best suits your project's needs. Happy coding! 🚀
