Roy Lopez

Exploring 'as const' in TypeScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Exploring 'as const' in TypeScript: A Comprehensive Guide
4 min read

TypeScript’s as const annotation is a powerful yet straightforward tool that makes values deeply readonly. Unlike the typical as keyword, often associated with type assertions (which can be misleading or unsafe), as const is entirely type-safe. It simply provides TypeScript with additional information, ensuring your code is precise and immutable where needed.

Let’s break down as const, understand how it differs from similar constructs, and see practical examples of its usage.

Key Takeaway: as const is a compile-time directive that provides immutability and precise type inference without runtime overhead.

What Does 'as const' Do?

When you append as const to a value, you inform TypeScript to:

  • Treat the value as deeply readonly. Every nested property becomes immutable.
  • Infer literal types for the value’s contents wherever possible.

This makes as const a compile-time directive that disappears at runtime, unlike Object.freeze.

Example 1: Deep Readonly with as const

const settings = {
  theme: {
    color: "blue",
} as const;

// Error: Cannot assign to 'color' because it is a read-only property.
settings.theme.color = "red";

Contrast this with Object.freeze:

const settings = Object.freeze({
  theme: {
    color: "blue",

// Surprisingly, this works because Object.freeze only affects the top level.
settings.theme.color = "red"; // No error at compile-time

How as const Works with Arrays

Another key feature of as const is how it transforms arrays into readonly tuples. This prevents operations that would alter the structure or content of the array.

const numbers = [10, 20, 30] as const;

// Error: Property 'push' does not exist on type 'readonly [10, 20, 30]'.

// Error: Cannot assign to '0' because it is a read-only property.
numbers[0] = 50;

Without as const, TypeScript infers numbers as number[], allowing mutable operations like push.

Example 2: Literal Type Inference

Using as const ensures that TypeScript infers the most specific literal types rather than broader types.

const userInfo = {
  role: "admin",
  permissions: ["read", "write"],

// Inferred type:
// role: string
// permissions: string[]

const userInfoLiteral = {
  role: "admin",
  permissions: ["read", "write"],
} as const;

// Inferred type:
// role: "admin"
// permissions: readonly ["read", "write"]

This narrow inference is particularly useful for creating type-safe enums or constant values without the enum keyword.

Example 3: Tuples in Return Values

When working with functions that return arrays, as const can ensure the returned value is inferred as a tuple. This is useful in contexts like React’s state management.

declare function useToggle(): [boolean, () => void];

const useToggleState = () => {
  const [isOn, toggle] = useToggle();

  return [isOn, toggle] as const;

// TypeScript infers the return type as:
// readonly [boolean, () => void]

Comparing as const with as

The standard as keyword is often used to force TypeScript into accepting a specific type, which can lead to runtime errors if misused:

const element = {} as HTMLButtonElement;

// No error at compile-time, but will fail at runtime.;

In contrast, as const doesn’t lie to TypeScript—it merely enhances the type inference system by locking down values and making them readonly.

Example 4: Function Props and as const

When defining object literals for function props, as const ensures the types remain as narrow as possible.

const buttonProps = {
  type: "submit" as const,
  onClick: () => console.log("Submitted"),
} as const;

// Inferred:
// type: "submit"
// onClick: () => void

Why Use as const?


  1. Immutability: Prevents unintended mutations, leading to safer and more predictable code.
  2. Precise Inference: Helps TypeScript infer literal types and readonly structures.
  3. Zero Runtime Overhead: Unlike Object.freeze, it only affects the compile-time behavior.

Common Use Cases:

  • Defining constant configurations or settings.
  • Locking down API responses or constants in tests.
  • Improving type inference for props and return values.

Key Takeaways

  1. Deep Readonly: as const makes entire objects or arrays immutable.
  2. Literal Type Inference: It ensures values are inferred as narrowly as possible.
  3. Type-Safe: Unlike as, it doesn’t create runtime risks.
  4. Disappears at Runtime: There’s no performance cost for using as const.

By using as const, you can make your TypeScript code safer, more expressive, and easier to maintain—all without sacrificing runtime performance.
