Roy Lopez

TypeScript Battle: Types vs. Interfaces

TypeScript Battle: Types vs. Interfaces
4 min read

One of the most frequently asked questions about TypeScript is whether we should use types or interfaces. The answer to this question, like many programming questions, is: "It depends." In some cases, one has a clear advantage, but often, they can be used interchangeably.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the key differences and similarities between types and interfaces and explore scenarios where one is preferred over the other.

Key Takeaway: Both types and interfaces have their place. Your choice will depend on the context, functionality, and personal or team preferences.

Basics of Types and Interfaces

Types and Type Aliases

The type keyword in TypeScript is used to define the shape of data. Some common use cases include:

  • Primitive Types: string, number, boolean, etc.
  • Union Types: Combining types with the | operator.
  • Advanced Types: Mapped types, conditional types, etc.

Example: Defining Type Aliases

type MyNumber = number;

type User = {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;


An interface defines a contract that an object must adhere to. It is often used to define the structure of objects in TypeScript.

Example: Interface Definition

interface Client {
  name: string;
  address: string;

Differences Between Types and Interfaces

While they can often be used interchangeably, here are notable differences:

1. Primitive Types

  • Use type for primitives like string or number.
  • Interfaces cannot alias primitive types.
type Address = string; // Valid
interface Address {} // Error

2. Union Types

  • Union types can only be defined using type.
  • There’s no equivalent for union types in interfaces.


type Transport = "Bus" | "Car" | "Bike";

3. Function Types

Both can define function types, but type is more concise and offers advanced features.

Using type:

type AddFn = (num1: number, num2: number) => number;

Using interface:

interface IAdd {
  (num1: number, num2: number): number;

4. Declaration Merging

  • Interfaces support declaration merging; types do not.
interface Client {
  name: string;
interface Client {
  age: number;
// Merged interface: { name: string; age: number }

Attempting the same with type results in an error.

5. Extending Types and Interfaces

  • Interfaces: Use extends.
  • Types: Use the intersection operator &.

Extending an Interface:

interface VIPClient extends Client {
  benefits: string[];

Extending a Type:

type VIPClient = Client & { benefits: string[] };

6. Conflict Resolution

Interfaces detect and throw errors on conflicting properties, whereas types merge conflicts.

Example of Conflict in Type:

type Person = { name: string };
type Staff = Person & { name: number }; // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to 'number'.

Advanced Type Features

TypeScript offers advanced features that are exclusive to type:

  • Mapped Types: Automatically transform types.
  • Conditional Types: Create types based on conditions.
  • Template Literal Types: Compose types using string literals.

Example: Mapped Type

type Getters<T> = {
  [K in keyof T as `get${Capitalize<string & K>}`]: () => T[K];
type Client = { name: string; address: string };
type ClientGetters = Getters<Client>;
// { getName: () => string; getAddress: () => string; }

When to Use Types vs. Interfaces

Use Interfaces When:

  • You need declaration merging.
  • You want to extend third-party library types.
  • You prefer object-oriented design with extends.

Use Types When:

  • You’re defining primitives, unions, or tuples.
  • Advanced type features like mapped or conditional types are required.
  • You need more expressiveness or functional programming paradigms.


In many scenarios, types and interfaces are interchangeable, and the choice boils down to personal preference or specific project requirements. While interfaces are great for object-oriented paradigms and declaration merging, types shine with their flexibility and advanced type features.

What’s your preference? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
