Roy Lopez

Understanding TypeScript's Pick and Omit with Raul the Dog

Understanding TypeScript's Pick and Omit with Raul the Dog
3 min read

TypeScript offers several powerful tools for defining more flexible and strict types. Two particularly useful utilities are Pick and Omit. They allow you to create new types based on existing ones by selecting or excluding properties. In this post, we'll use my dog, Raul, as an example to illustrate how they work.

Meet Raul: Our Example Data

To begin, let's create a TypeScript type that describes Raul:

type Dog = {
  name: string;
  breed: string;
  age: number;
  favoriteToy: string;
  isGoodBoy: boolean;

const raul: Dog = {
  name: "Raul",
  breed: "Dachshund",
  age: 5,
  favoriteToy: "Rubber ball",
  isGoodBoy: true,

Raul is a friendly dachshund who loves his rubber ball. Now, let’s say we need to create types that are based on Raul's type but only care about specific properties. This is where Pick and Omit come in handy.

Using Pick: Select the Properties You Need

The Pick utility type lets you create a new type by "picking" specific properties from an existing type.

For example, if you only want to work with Raul's name and breed (perhaps for a dog database), you can use Pick:

type DogSummary = Pick<Dog, "name" | "breed">;

const raulSummary: DogSummary = {
  name: "Raul",
  breed: "Dachshund",

In this example, DogSummary contains only the name and breed properties from the Dog type. This can be useful when you need a simplified version of a more complex type.

Practical Use Case

Imagine you are displaying a list of dogs on a website, and you only need to show the dog's name and breed. Instead of passing the entire Dog object to the component, you can create a DogSummary type that limits the data to just what you need.

Using Omit: Exclude Properties You Don’t Need

On the other hand, Omit is useful when you want to exclude specific properties from a type.

Suppose you are working with a form to edit Raul's information, but you don't want users to be able to change the isGoodBoy property (because Raul will always be a good boy!). You can use Omit to remove this field from the type:

type EditableDog = Omit<Dog, "isGoodBoy">;

const editableRaul: EditableDog = {
  name: "Raul",
  breed: "Dachshund",
  age: 5,
  favoriteToy: "Rubber ball",

In this case, EditableDog includes all properties from the Dog type except isGoodBoy. Now, when you use this type for forms or updates, the property isGoodBoy will be omitted, ensuring that Raul’s goodness is not tampered with!

Practical Use Case

You can use Omit when you want to ensure that certain properties are not accidentally modified or exposed to certain parts of your application. It helps in scenarios where you want to protect specific information or streamline the data being handled.


The Pick and Omit utility types in TypeScript are simple but powerful tools that allow you to create more focused and flexible types. Whether you need to "pick" only a few relevant fields or "omit" sensitive data, these utilities make it easier to work with complex types in a clean, manageable way.

By understanding how to use Pick and Omit, you can make your TypeScript types more adaptable to different contexts and requirements.

Next time you are coding with TypeScript, think of Raul the dachshund and his favorite rubber ball, and remember how Pick and Omit can help you shape your types just the way you need them!
