Roy Lopez

Understanding the Variadic Syntax (...) in Go: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Variadic Syntax (...) in Go: A Comprehensive Guide
6 min read

In Go, the ... syntax, also known as variadic parameters, allows you to create functions that accept a variable number of arguments. This feature is extremely useful when you don’t know the exact number of arguments that will be passed to the function. In this article, we will explore how the ... syntax works, its common use cases, and examples to clarify the concept.

What is the ... Syntax?

In Go, the ... is used to define a variadic parameter. A variadic parameter lets you pass zero, one, or multiple arguments of the same type to a function. When you declare a variadic parameter, Go automatically collects these arguments into a slice.

The syntax for a variadic parameter is:

func functionName(paramType ...dataType) {
    // function body

Here, paramType is the name of the parameter, and dataType is the type of the variable-length argument.

Example 1: A Simple Variadic Function

Let’s start with a simple function that accepts a variable number of integers and calculates their sum:

package main

import (

func sum(numbers int {
    total := 0
    for _, num := range numbers {
        total += num
    return total

func main() {
    fmt.Println(sum(1, 2, 3))           // Output: 6
    fmt.Println(sum(10, 20))            // Output: 30
    fmt.Println(sum(5, 5, 5, 5, 5))     // Output: 25
    fmt.Println(sum())                  // Output: 0

In the sum function:

  • numbers allows the function to accept any number of int arguments.
  • Inside the function, numbers is treated as a slice of integers ([]int), and we can iterate over it with a for loop.

Example 2: Variadic Functions with Different Types

A variadic function can also have regular parameters alongside the variadic ones. These regular parameters must always come before the variadic parameters in the function signature.

Here’s an example where we have a regular prefix string parameter followed by a variadic words ...string parameter:

package main

import "fmt"

func printWords(prefix string, words ...string) {
    for _, word := range words {

func main() {
    printWords("Words:", "Go", "is", "awesome")
    // Output:
    // Words:
    // Go
    // is
    // awesome

    printWords("More Words:", "Variadic", "functions", "are", "cool")
    // Output:
    // More Words:
    // Variadic
    // functions
    // are
    // cool

    printWords("Empty Call:") // No variadic arguments passed
    // Output:
    // Empty Call:

In this example:

  • The prefix is a regular parameter.
  • The words ...string is the variadic parameter, and we can pass any number of strings to it. When no additional arguments are passed, words is an empty slice ([]string).

Example 3: Passing a Slice to a Variadic Function

If you already have a slice of elements and want to pass it to a variadic function, you can "unpack" the slice into individual arguments using the ... operator.

package main

import "fmt"

func printNumbers(numbers {
    for _, num := range numbers {

func main() {
    nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

    // Pass individual elements
    printNumbers(1, 2, 3)

    // Pass the entire slice with the '...' spread operator

    // Output:
    // 1
    // 2
    // 3
    // 1
    // 2
    // 3
    // 4
    // 5

In this example:

  • nums... unpacks the slice nums and passes each element as an individual argument to the printNumbers function.
  • If you omit ..., the slice will be passed as a single argument, which would cause a compilation error because the function expects a variable number of individual integers.

Example 4: Variadic Functions with Mixed Types

You can use variadic parameters with any type. Here’s an example with mixed types, where we pass multiple values to a logger function that prints messages with different severity levels:

package main

import "fmt"

// Logger function with a variadic string parameter
func logMessage(level string, messages ...string) {
    fmt.Printf("[%s] ", level)
    for _, msg := range messages {
        fmt.Printf("%s ", msg)

func main() {
    logMessage("INFO", "Server", "started", "on", "port", "8080")
    // Output: [INFO] Server started on port 8080

    logMessage("ERROR", "Failed", "to", "connect", "to", "database")
    // Output: [ERROR] Failed to connect to database

    logMessage("DEBUG", "User", "logged", "in")
    // Output: [DEBUG] User logged in

Important Rules for Variadic Parameters:

  1. Only One Variadic Parameter: A function can only have one variadic parameter, and it must be the last parameter in the function signature. You cannot have multiple variadic parameters.

    // Invalid: multiple variadic parameters
    func invalidFunction(a, b ...string) {}
    // Valid: one variadic parameter
    func validFunction(a string, b {}
  2. Calling with Zero Arguments: You can always call a variadic function with zero arguments for the variadic parameter. In such cases, the variadic parameter will be an empty slice.

  3. Passing a Slice: When passing an existing slice to a variadic function, you need to "unpack" the slice using ....

Example 5: Using Variadic Parameters with Structs

Here’s an advanced example where a variadic function processes a list of structs:

package main

import "fmt"

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

// Variadic function to process a list of Person structs
func printPeople(people ...Person) {
    for _, person := range people {
        fmt.Printf("Name: %s, Age: %d
", person.Name, person.Age)

func main() {
    person1 := Person{"Alice", 25}
    person2 := Person{"Bob", 30}

    printPeople(person1, person2)
    // Output:
    // Name: Alice, Age: 25
    // Name: Bob, Age: 30


  • ... (variadic parameters) allow a function to accept a variable number of arguments.
  • The variadic arguments are treated as a slice inside the function.
  • You can mix regular parameters and variadic parameters, but the variadic parameter must be the last one.
  • You can pass an existing slice to a variadic function by using the ... operator to "unpack" the slice.

Variadic parameters provide a powerful and flexible way to handle functions that need to work with a variable number of arguments. They make your code more concise and adaptable, especially for cases like logging, sum calculations, and formatting messages.

You can download the full blog post here.

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🚀 Master Go's Variadic Syntax (...): A Comprehensive Guide!

📝 In this article, we dive deep into Go’s variadic syntax (using ...) and explore how it enables you to create flexible functions that accept any number of arguments. From handling sums, strings, slices, to mixing different types in one function—variadic parameters are a game-changer for your Go code. Check out examples and learn how to apply this technique in your projects.

🔗 Read the full guide here: [link] #GoLang #Programming #Go #Developers #CodingTips #Backend
